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Day 14 - HUMBLE

The theme for today is "humble". A word that we all strive to be, but can struggle to live up to. It is so tempting to flaunt the things that you have and try to make people jealous. This kind of action doesn't make anyone feel good though. People may feign interest in your good fortune, but is it really the best thing to show off what you have?

I have grown up with a life of little struggle and full of blessings. A lot of this I owe to my parents. Both of my parents work around the clock to accomplish what they have, and I admire that. They have raised me with a work ethic to push through the good and the bad to reach whatever I want. They have taught me that life does not revolve around material goods, although much of the society today thrives off of the "next best thing". We need to take a step back and thank God for our good fortune. Jesus lived a very humble life, not flaunting anything that he had. Jesus had the power to heal the sick, speak with God, and do just about whatever he wanted to, but he didn't. Instead he did what he needed to do and nothing more. He did not go around forcing God to save him or provide him with all of the things he wanted. Just like in the story of the devil tempting Jesus in the desert, Jesus did not call upon God to give Him food, water, or save Him, even though that might have been the easy way out. Instead He fasted and denied the devil until the angels finally came and took care of him. We must not flaunt what we have. Yes many people are doing great things for themselves, but the reward is not the attention you may receive from others, it is the personal satisfaction of knowing that you accomplished something that you set your heart on.

In conclusion, we should all be humble because none of us are perfect. We have all made mistakes and cannot be held on the same level as God. Romans 3:23 states, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". This means that no one has the right to say they are better than another, because none of us are God. In order to become the best we can be we must stay humble and keep growing. With humility comes great respect among others, which is something we must strive for, as difficult as it may be.

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