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Day 15 - VICE

The theme for the photo today is "vice". A vice is something that inclines you to do bad or sin. It is something that you have a difficult time resisting. A vice is very relevant to the Lenten season because many of us give up our "vice" for Lent. During Lent your sacrifice may not be something that causes you to sin, but it generally is a vice for growing your faith or relationship with God. Many people give up things that take time away from worshiping God, but besides giving up that "vice" we also need to replace that time with prayer or attending mass. If we sacrifice something but do not take that time to improve ourselves then why are we making the sacrifices.

During Lent think about why you gave up what you did. Does it distract you form growing in the faith? Does it help remind you of the suffering that Jesus endured? What is your motivation? If you have not thought about that then take the time to really think about how this sacrifice is helping you this Lent. If you gave up social media maybe take that time and attend daily mass or pray at home. Think of ways you can improve yourself and your relationship with God and maybe your "vice" will become a blessing.

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